
PvP Directional Scanner and Camera Tracking

One of the better things added to the Retribution patch was the tracking camera. I know a lot of people have complained about it being utterly useless, but it has become a completely mandatory tool for my PvPing. One of benefits of this camera option, is the ability to turn it on and off via a hot key. So, let's get into why this mode has become so valuable.

So why do I rave so much about this option? Well, it makes directional scanning as easy as possible. Normally I would spend about a minute scanning systems to find the potential target, and then apprehend them. Now I spend about 8 seconds, if that. Before the patch, you would line your ship up with a celestial entity, and scan to see if your target was there. Then you would have to line the ship up in order to get your scans down to a 15 degree cone. Now you can click the entity on your overview, and scan.

One thing that has been hidden is the ability to change where the focus point of the tracking camera is. Simply click on anything in space, and then click the four bars on your "Selected Item" box. There you will see an option for the "Select tracking on-screen position". A white box will pop up, and you can then drag it around to change the point which the camera positions itself when used. What you want to do is select an object, like a planet, and align to it. Then move the tracking camera box over the planet, and your ship. Both your ship and selected item need to be in the center of that box. Here's a screenshot to show you.

Once it's set, you can then click on anything, and press "b" to activate or deactivate the tracking camera. Set your directional scanner to 15 degrees, and start clicking entities, and scan. If you positioned your ship correctly in the camera alignment, you won't have any issue scanning people down. This has shown to be extremely effective for Factional Warfare. You can simply click on the FW site, and scan. After you get this setup, you'll never scan the old way again. Enjoy, and fly safe!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2/25/2014

    This is one of those tiny things that make a huge difference. Absolutely fantastic tip thanks.
