
More Hotkeys

There are a few more hotkeys that are quite useful for various situations, but mainly for PvP. Such hotkeys include module keys, overheating keys, drone keys, and more. In this article, I'll cover these keys allowing any pilot to attack or defend much faster.

Module Hotkeys

So first off, remember that modules are set to F1-F8. Personally, I set these as 1-8 instead for my top bar. The reason being is that 1-8 are just so much more accessible. Another thing to add is that the hotkeys are not limited by the slot type. For instance my warp scrambler goes on the top bar, and usually in the spot for the key 2 or 3.

Another set of default keys are the rack overloading hot keys. Normally you would want to overload certain modules, but if you are in a pinch, and need to overload right away these will help. Ctrl-3 overloads the High rack, Ctrl-2 overloads the Medium rack, and Ctrl-1 overloads the Low rack. I personally set these to Ctrl-Q/W/E, but whatever works.

Overloading Hotkeys

The reason for opening up the Ctrl-1/2/3 hotkeys, is so they can be used as individual overloads. While it's a fairly weird setup, I use Ctrl-1 for overloading the first module in the high slot, Ctrl-2 for the first module in the med slot, and Ctrl-3 for the 2nd module in the med slot. Basically that gives me a quick overload on 3 modules, and I place specific modules in those spots for this reason. Looking back at the screenshot, you can see that Ctrl-1 overloads my scram, Ctrl-2 overloads my MWD, and Ctrl-3 overloads my hardner. The reason I don't have it set to the booster, is because it's usually pre-heated, and if I really needed it to be overheated, I could just overload the rack. Even when running an armor fit, the same system applies by putting the modules in those spots.

Drone Hotkeys

Last are the drone hot keys. So few know about these, but they are very important. These are set by default in the game, so no need to look for them. The first hotkey is "f" which commands the drones to attack the target that is selected. The other hot key is "Shift-R" which recalls your drones back to the drone bay.

Easter Egg Hotkey

This hotkey might be worthless to many, but quite advantageous to others specifically capital pilots. It's a hidden menu showing all the beacons in the region. Go to the shortcut settings, and then into the Window tab. Scroll down the list until you see "Open Capital Ship Navigation". Set the key to "v", undock, and try it out.

I hope this has helped someone out, and fly safe!

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