
Crius Release Scheduled for July 22nd

Crius release on July 22nd

Crius is the name of the next release to be deployed on July 22nd. As you might recall, EVE development moved away from the traditional six month expansion cycle to a much faster six week release deployment.

Crius itself brings a major change to industry in EVE Online – including changes to manufacturing and invention. As EVE is a very complex system and industry being at the core of EVE, you can expect a lot of changes that will ripple through the universe:

·         The Science and Industry user interface is completely rebuilt and made much more user friendly.

·         Refining, reprocessing and compressing are made more meaningful and intuitive. Skill matters!

·         All industry slots will be removed including NPC stations, outposts or POS arrays.

·         The more jobs are installed in a specific star system, the more expensive it will become to install additional jobs. Centralization costs.

·         NPC teams can be hired to give benefits to whole star systems, this will benefit everyone. Centralization helps.

·         Material and Time Efficiency
 levels on blueprints will change and be capped to ME 10 and TE 20 with each level giving a fixed benefit of 1% point. Additionally all static blueprint data, such as copy and research times, will be streamlined and adjusted.

·         Industry related POS structures will give you benefits, the more structures you have, the more you benefit (until an upper level).

All these changes and more are already available on the Singularity test serverCheck it out!

Additionally you can expect several quality of life improvements, for example for the often discussed tooltip changes.

Alliance Tournament XII

Alliance Tournament XII was announced to be held from August 16 to September 7, 2014. The Alliance Tournament is the annual massive tournament for Alliances to fight for fame, glory and fantastic prizes.
 and the participating teams!

The Alliance Tournament will be fully broadcasted by EVE TV.

API changes with Crius

With the industry changes in Crius, there will also be changes to the API and how to get information about industry job. If you are developing or interested in developing third party tools that cover the aspects of the EVE industry, you probably want to check out CCP FoxFour’s blog about the API changes. The existing IndustryJobs endpoints will be converted and if you do not adjust your end, your application will not work properly.

Those changes are already live on the test server to give you plenty of time for testing!

Stay informed with “This Week in EVE”

Most likely you are already informed about the weekly summaries on what is going on in EVE Online, but you are always welcome to check out those summaries. These summaries are usually deployed every Friday and summarize developer news and information regarding EVE Online.

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