
Security Status

Security status is a fairly foreign thing for many new players, and with this article I will cover the different areas as well as personal security status to eliminate the confusion. While this may be common knowledge for many, I feel it's best to cover this mechanic for all that are very new to the game.

To start off there are four types of system space, high security space, low security space (low-sec), null security space (null-sec), and wormhole space (w-space). Each space type has a range of different security statuses telling the player what can or cannot be done in that space. Let's look at these in a little more detail:

High Sec (0.5 - 1.0 security status)

This space is the safest space you can be in. You cannot attack, or be attacked by other players without the intervention of Concord (space police). Even though people that actually attack your ship will be quickly blown up by Concord you will deal with "suicide gankers" if you're transporting precious cargo, or really pissed someone off.

Bombs: No
Smartbombs: No
Capitals: No (except Jump Freighters)

Low Sec (0.4 - 0.1 security status)

Low sec is the first jump into dangerous space. In low sec players can now attack other players without Concord intervening, but both gate guns and station guns will attack. Even though players can kill othesr without repercussions, they will lose personal security status. While more money can be made in low-sec, it's mainly due to the increased risk. To add, this is the lowest security space capital ships can traverse (not including Jump Freighters).

Bombs: No
Smartbombs: Yes
Capitals: Yes

Null Sec (0.0 - [-1.0] security status) 

In null-sec, everything is fair game, and everything is allowed. Not only do you not have to worry about concord, you don't deal with gate guns or NPC station guns. No personal security status is lost when killing others.

Bombs: Yes
Smartbombs: Yes
Capitals: Yes


Wormhole space isn't much different from Null Sec in terms of mechanics. You can attack without any issues, and gate guns, and stations do not even exist. No personal security status will be lost in the process of killing.

Personal Security Status

So we've talked a bit about "personal security status"; this is your actual security status to the various empires; you can find this by looking at your character sheet, and other player's info window. If you are below -2.0, you are seen as a criminal, and will be shot in 1.0 systems. The lower your status, the more high security systems you will no longer be able to enter without being attacked. You can regain this status by killing NPC pirates, or turning in "pirate tags" from low-sec NPCs to increase your status with the empire. While the tags are a quick way to regain security status, it can be expensive if you are buying them. As an alternative incursions are a great way to raise your status, while making a decent amount of ISK.

NOTE: keep in mind the same thing happens when your standings with other empires are as low as -2.0. The security status is pretty much an overall standing for all empires, and is looked at before standings. You can learn more about standings here.

Criminal Status and Systems

 -2.0 : 1.0 systems
-2.5 : 0.9 systems
-3.0 : 0.8 systems
-3.5 : 0.7 systems
-4.0 : 0.6 systems
-4.5 or lower : 0.5 systems

Even More

If you want to know all the actions that can or cannot be done in each type of space, please look at the following charts made by CCP:

Combat Actions
Consequences of Having a Flag

As usual, I hope this has helped anyone with any confusion with the Security Status system. Enjoy, and fly safe. o/

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