
Pyfa Retribution 1.1 Update

I know the guys at EVEfit have been very busy, but an update for Retribution 1.1 still hasn't been made public. After a few painful attempts at using EFT again, I decided it was time to attempt to update it myself. The app itself doesn't need to be updated but the database file does. So with a new DB file the new ship changes, and AARs are now present.

Simply download the Retribution 1.1 DB file here, and open up the staticdata folder in your Pyfa directory (i.e. C:\Program Files (x86)\Pyfa\staticdata). Change the name of your eve.db file to eve-old, and copy the new eve.db file in it's place. Start Pyfa, and rejoice as your now have the updated data!

Pyfa DB File Produced: 3.13.2013

Keep in mind I am in no way affiliated with EVEfit, and that this is not a official update. I am simply a Pyfa fan that does not like to use EFT, and understands that others are the same way.

Edit: EVEfit just released a 1.1.6 right after posting this. It can be found here.

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