
Managing Standings and Security Status

In my first month of playing EVE I spent a quite a bit of time trying to get my standings up to install a jump clone. Mission after mission, I slowly crawled to my goal, but shortly after wondered if there was a better way to go about this task. It wasn't much later until I figured out there were a lot of better ways to increase standing. In this article I'll point out all the ways to increase your standing, and various things to be aware of when doing such.

Standings and You

So what are the benefits of increasing standing?

  • Control Towers in High-Sec
  • Jump Clone Installation
  • Faction-Wide Mission Availability
  • Less Refining Taxes
  • Lower Broker Fees
  • Faction BPCs

So there are a few reasons to increase standings. Control Tower installation is something that is usually sought after by many corporations; thus making it another way to make ISK. Jump clones are always helpful, especially if you're wanting to do PvP but don't want to risk your implant filled clone. As for missions when you have a faction at 5.01 standing, every corporation in the faction will offer you level 4 missions, making it much easier to find a place to run missions when on the move. The refining taxes are extremely helpful to any miner allowing them to make the very most out of every mineral refining job. As for the Broker Fees, this is probably one of the most important things for the hardcore market trader, allows broker fees to be as low as 0.125%. Broker fees unlike other benefits are not effected by the Connections skill; the fee percentage comes directly from base standings.

Ways to Increase Standings

So now that you know why you would want standings, let's take a look at the different ways to increase them.


Missions are the basic way to gain standings. Paired with Social V, this can be a fairly good way to increase corporation standings when blitzing missions. You can find out how to blitz missions by referring to the EVE-Survival: MissionReports page. Keep in mind it requires standing 1.0 for level 2 missions, 3.0 for level 3, 5.0 for level 4, and 7.0 for level 5. You may also receive storyline missions after doing 16 missions of a certain level as these missions give you both corporation and faction standing when completing.

The storyline agent assigned to you depends on the location as it picks the closest storyline agent to the mission agent you completed the mission with. You can make sure to get agents from the same corporation by using the EVE-Agents site. Find a storyline agent that is close to an agent offering the mission type you are wanting, and keep in mind that you only need to be close to this agent after the 15th mission, You can do the rest wherever you want as long as it is the same level.

Data Centers

This is one way that many people never learn about. At each Data Center you can find several agents that offer storyline missions that require you to turn in enemy faction tags to complete. Even though these missions can only be completed or failed once, they give a substancial amount of standing, and the only ones that give standing without reducing others. You can find the locations of these sites on the Evelopedia Data Centers page.

Circle Agents

Similar to the data centers, circle agents are a group of level 1 storyline agents that offer courier missions to locations of other agents in the group. After completing the entire group, you'll realize that you are exactly where you started. This is a great way to get faction standing with very minimal effort. You can find the agent locations on the Evelopedia Circle Agents page.

COSMOS Missions

This is one of my favorite ways to get standings, and the reason being is that you can receive some great storyline items in the process that can be sold for a decent amount of ISK. Level 1 COSMOS missions can be easily done with a Tech 1 cruiser, while Level 2 and 3 missions are better suited for a Heavy Assault Cruiser. Level 3's and 4's can be easily done in Tech 3 Cruisers as well. As long as you have decent cruiser skills, these missions should be fairly smooth, but not necessarily easy. After doing the level 1's and 2's from any of the factions, your faction standing is usually above 3.50. You can view the various faction's guides below.

Caldari COSMOS (Old but still works)
Amarr COSMOS (See note below)
Gallente COSMOS
Minmatar & Sisters of EVE COSMOS

Amarr COSMOS: One thing to keep in mind with the Amarr COSMOS is that after the small amount of level 1 missions, you will need standing of 4.0 to start the agent chain after. You can easily remedy this by doing the Caldari COSMOS first, and coming back to Amarr after getting your standing up.

Like the other storyline missions, you can only do these once, so make sure to prepare for your tasks, and don't let them fail. I have accidentally accepted some of these missions when they could not be completed, and was quick to learn that many GMs sympathize; as many will reset the agent for you.

Epic Arc Missions

Epic Arc missions are storyline missions you can do after every 3 months. Each Epic Arc offers a line of missions, with some great rewards. These are normally done for the rewards, but can be done for standing gains as well. For the main Epic Arc mission chains, you will need standing 5.01 with the agent's corporation to start it. You can find the Epic Arc list on the Evelopedia Epic Arc page.

I don't know if they have fixed the issue with Epic Arcs giving standing not giving standing after completion. If you do have this issue, you can petition a GM, and they will be happy to fix it.  

Making the Most

It is golden rule with COSMOS that you should never do any of them without having Social to level V beforehand. The reason being is that you can only do certain storyline missions once, and it's best to make the most of it by getting as much standing increase as possible.

Repair Plan

For those of you that want to attempt to get high faction standings with all factions, the Repair Plan is the route for you. The Repair Plan offers a way to increase each faction by doing various missions to counter-act the standing decreases between factions. While it's not that complex it is very time-consuming, but the results are amazing. You can find the information on the Evelopedia Repair Plan page.

Fixing Security Status

If you ever worry that you might end up with a negative security status, or are already at a negative status, do not stress. There are a couple Concord missions that can be done to increase your security status by 5 points or more when paired with Fast Talk V.  As long as you don't have empire faction standings below -5.00, you will benefit from these missions. Like other special storyline missions, you can only do these once. You can find more details on the Evelopedia Security Status page.


So those are the ways to increase your standings without having to do constant career agent missions. I hope this has helped someone fix their standings or start a new business in Storyline Modules, or High-Sec Control Tower planting. Enjoy your new standings, and fly safe. o7

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