
New Eden Radio

I wanted to write this short article to point out yet another EVE community site that is one that every EVE Online player should visit at least once. That site is New Eden Radio. All of the Disc Jockeys at New Eden Radio are EVE players, providing a small taste of the genre they listen to. You can listen to music ranging from alternative to dubstep, and everything in between. During the open time slots when DJ's are not playing players can request songs on the jukebox from the site.

New Eden Radio also hosts lots of events including the Alliance Tournament spread pool. At one time there use to be a Weekend Drinking Party where you could chat with DJs in the New Eden Radio chat channel in game, as you and many other players played a 2 to 5 hour drinking game while having ship lotteries hosted by DJ Tranze. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like she hosts that anymore, but hopefully that will change sometime soon.

So if you're tired of the in-game music or want to hear something different or want to socialize with some really great people check out the New Eden Radio site, and join their in-game channel "New Eden Radio". To see when DJ's are playing, and what types of music you can check their time slot schedule. If this sounds like something you would like to do yourself they are always looking for more DJ's, and the NER community is always ready to hear a new one.

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