

It never seizes to amaze me how many different EVE metagaming sites there are. One more of these sites is SOMER Blink, an EVE lottery site. With many other sites offering the same thing this one isn't dodgy, and well known for it's service. While it is considered typical gambling there are a few ways to make money indefinitely, aside from pure luck.

Keep in mind when you do your first ISK deposit it can take up to a few hours depending on how busy it is. Once you have that first one done, deposits will happen quite quickly afterwards. To make money is to deposit 40 million ISK to start, and start playing by only betting on ships that cost no more than 2 million each. Next, we spread out the bets to every hour.

Like other games, SOMER Blink has achievements you can get, and also give you blink credit for fulfilling them. One requires that you make a bet every hour for 12 hours, paying some 50m ISK, and another that is a bet every hour for 24 hours that pays 250 million ISK worth of credit. In the time that you make these bets, you should get lucky enough to win a couple ships earning you even more achievements. Keep in mind you have to be in game to make these bets, but you are welcome to log in and view your account outside of the game.

One of the best lotteries they offer are the "Promos", or promotional lotteries. The promos offer a really nice ship like a T3 Strategic Cruiser, or a pirate battleship like the Machariel, but only require that you have "blinked" in the past 48 hours. The promos use tokens instead of credit to play, and usually have 256 tickets offered per promo. While the chance to win is low it's easy to play, and will usually see quite a few promos put up in a row.

All in all, Blink is another great way to pass time in EVE, and sometimes considered a good place to get ships, by the die-hard Blink players. They also offer very high paying lotteries with a very decreased chance to win such as their mega-bonk, and giga-bonk lotteries which run up to months at a time.

SOMER Blink Site

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